Car Repairs & Servicing Garage Insurance

Whether you work in car repairs or servicing, from home or an auto garage, full-time or part-time, we’re here to help you get the right insurance for your business. From liability insurance to premises insurance and road risks insurance, we can sort it.

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What is car repairs and servicing insurance?

As with any job, particularly one involving manual labour, there’s always a risk that something could go wrong. A lot of the time it’s out of your control, which is why it’s so important to make sure you’re covered with the correct car repairs and servicing insurance. Otherwise, you may find yourself spending a lot more money as a result – this could include fines for not having the correct insurance or even legal fees if someone makes a claim against your business.

Do you need vehicle repair insurance?

These days, finding and fixing vehicle faults is more technical than ever – with complex diagnostic equipment often needed to pinpoint the problem. And as vehicles become more and more sophisticated, so has the repair and servicing trade.

Certain types of insurance that fall under the car servicing insurance umbrella are a legal requirement, while others help make life easier when something goes wrong.

For example, Public Liability insurance is recommended if you have customers regularly visiting your site, whereas Employers’ Liability insurance is required by law as soon as you employ staff.

Premises insurance protects assets such as tools, vehicles and the premises itself. It can also help cover third-party claims made against you.

Road Risks insurance is needed if you ever take the wheel of your customers’ vehicles or drive your own while on the job.

Getting the right vehicle repairs and servicing insurance for your business’s needs is key in protecting you and your staff from risk, meaning you can crack on without any stress.

Have you considered the following for car repairs and servicing insurance?

Making sure your auto garage is covered against all forms of risk is key when looking into car repair and servicing insurance. Consider whether you’ve given thought to the following:

  • Insuring your customers’ vehicles so you can road test them
  • The risk of a claim against you for faulty workmanship
  • The possibility of an employee having an accident at work
  • A customer having an accident while they’re on your premises
  • The value of the tools and equipment you keep at your premises

You may need to consider other technical elements when it comes to choosing your cover, such as:

  • Vehicle cosmetic repairs insurance
  • Auto repair insurance for older or high mileage vehicles
  • Used vehicle repair insurance

Want more clarity on what you need to be covered for? You can speak to our team about insurance options for your vehicle repair business. We’ve been in the motor trade for over two decades, so we know a thing or two.

Available auto repair shop insurance cover with Road Runner

Liability insurance

Liability insurance is there to protect you against employee or third-party claims, fake or not. Our cover options range from Public Liability only up to more comprehensive packages that also contain Products and Employers’ Liability. We also offer Portable Hand Tools packages that can include cover away from the business premises.

Premises insurance

Our Premises insurance is another important part of car servicing insurance. From Buildings cover to Contents cover and Vehicles at the premises insurance, we have several options that minimise your risk.

Road Risks insurance

Need cover for vehicles in transit? Take a look at our Road Risks insurance. We offer the standard levels of cover, from Third Party to Comprehensive, as well as insurance for vehicles at the business premises and/or in transit.

If you collect and return vehicles, you can extend a Comprehensive Road Risks policy to provide the same cover for the vehicles being moved, so it’s worth checking what you can get from your policy.

Why choose Road Runner for your vehicle repair and servicing insurance?

We’ve been riding shotgun with the motor trade for over 25 years, so

we understand the ins and outs of car servicing and repairs. We know all the cover options and interpreting insurance policies comes naturally to us. But don’t just take our word for it – read our Feefo reviews for an idea of what our customers think about us.

There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all policy with us. For example, if your auto repair shop specialises in older or high-mileage vehicles, we’ll help you get the right insurance to properly protect you from risk.

Feel free to get in touch with our team to find out more about our car repair garage insurance. Alternatively, request a quote to see if we can get you a better deal than what you’re on now. Don’t worry, there’s no obligation if it’s not for you.

Car with engine showing

Can I get car repairs & servicing insurance with Road Runner?

You must be able to meet the below criteria for us to be able to provide a quote.

  1. You and all drivers are aged 23 to 69 years old.
  2. You are actively operating a motor trade business for profit or income.
  3. You and all drivers have not been disqualified from driving nor been convicted of driving with no insurance.
  4. You and all drivers have no criminal convictions not spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act nor any criminal convictions pending.
  5. You, any partners, directors, employees or drivers have never had a policy cancelled, declined, been refused renewal nor had any special terms or premium imposed.

Ready to get car vehicle repair insurance?

Our Core Motor Trade Insurance Products

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